Eternal Casket

2021, Beta Hsu Yun Chu, Sofya Antonova, Thore Flynn Hadré

Romantic neon light, colourful billboards, and gleaming blurry images dazzle the pilgrims to the shrine. Engraved with its name, the city illuminates the night with the vial of its precious blood. Eternal casket preserves how these mysterious street lights add a gorgeous mist to the fantasy world.

Eternal Casket is an abstract experimental 3D animation based primarily on video recordings with additional hand-drawn animation. The recordings were taking in the Yau Ma Tei district of Hong Kong at night. As the area is bustling with life and illuminated by neon lights, it is a visually enspiring and yet overwhelming place to explore. The artists aimed to convey that feeling, while exploring the visual possibilities more deeply and in a playful way. Slitscan techniques and other time-image manipulating effects were used to create the look of the video. At the same time it was composed in 3D space for different, sometimes dazzling effects of perspective and depth. Thus it is best viewed in a 3D video theater setting.

© Thore Flynn Hadré and designated artists